

How Can I Earn Money Walking and Running?

You can earn money in the following ways as a Pro Member:

  • Paidtogo Coins – Pro users earn 1 PTG Coin for every 2000 steps.
  • Earn 15 Coins for hitting the daily step goal. Goal will vary based on step history
  • Challenges – Compete against other users with similar step history for real money with Paidtogo Challenges. Winners split the pot.
  • Refer other users and earn 25 PTG Coins when they sign up

You can earn money in the following ways as a Free Member

  • Earn 5 Coins for hitting the daily step goal
  • Earn 1 Coin for logging in daily
  • Earn 25 Coins for each referral

Is Competing in a Challenge Gambling?

While we refer to the entry fee for a Challenge as a “bet”, we do not consider it to be gambling. There is a lot of scientific research that shows that incentives and penalties can be a great way to motivate people to get more exercise. A Paidtogo Challenge is both a “carrot” and a “stick”, both of which can be motivating to improve positive behaviors. The carrot is the potential earnings from winning a Challenge and the stick is losing your entry fee if you don’t hit your step goals. Further, gambling is usually based on luck, whereas our model allows anyone to win that puts in the steps. 

How Do I Get Paid?

You get paid out via Paypal. There are two payment programs with different payout timelines.

1. Purchasing payouts with PTG Coins you’ve earned. Payouts come approx. 5-6 weeks after redemption

2. Payouts from winning a Challenge occur automatically around 1-2 weeks after then end of the Challenge.

How Do I Record My Steps?

We sync with Apple Health and you will need to allow your Apple Health data to be used in order to import your step data.

How Do I Record My Steps?

yes if Apple Health records it as a step we will count it

How Do I Enter A Challenge?

Select a Challenge that your a qualified to enter based on your steps history and connect your Paypal. Pay the entry fee. Continue walking and running as normal and recording your data by syncing with Apple Health. Hit the step goal in the time frame allotted in the Challenge rules and you are a winner.

What is the Step Cap in Challenges?

The step cap is the daily maximum of steps that will count towards your Challenge goal. We believe that steady and consistent exercise over time is the most beneficial way to change behavior and health goals. Rather than rushing to get all your steps in at the last moment, we want our members to pace themselves and spread their steps throughout the Challenge period. This also helps to prevent any fraudulent activity that may add large amounts of steps for a user in a short time period.

What are the Paidtogo Fees For Challenges?

Fees for Pro Users – There is an admin fee of 15% for Challenge winners.

What Do I Get With a Pro Subscription?

Pro Users get the following benefits:

  • Earn 1 PTG Coin per mile (2000 steps)
  • Earn 15 Coins for hitting your daily step goal
  • Lower admin fee for Challenges
  • Enter exclusive Challenges with larger pots

How Do I Cancel My Subscription?

You can cancel your subscription directly from your Iphone by going to your settings and managing your subscriptions.

How do I Delete My Data?

You can delete your data by going to your profile screen and clicking the delete button.

What do I do if my data is not syncing properly?

Check to make sure you have allowed Paidtogo access to your Apple Health data. You can try turning your data sync off and then on again in the settings menu and resyncing your data.

What are the limits to earning Coins?

Monthly: 1200 Coins ($30.00)

Daily: 40 Coins ($1.00)

What is the daily step goal?

The daily step goal is a personalized target goal that is based on your prior 90 days of step history. Hitting that goal will result in 15 bonus coins. 


You can contact us from the left hand menu directly with any issues you may have.